Currently Featuring 12 Flash Games, 63 HTML5 Games & 3 DOS Games
Countdown to Arcade Score Reset:

Welcome to the Practical Lightning Arcade (BETA)
Newest Games Bestest Players
Fuzzy's Space GolfFuzzy's Space Golf
Learn To Fly 3Learn To Fly 3
Bill The BowmanBill The Bowman
Luxor Tri PeaksLuxor Tri Peaks
Cookie ClickerCookie Clicker
Ahoy Pirates AdventureAhoy Pirates Adventure
Command and ConquerCommand and Conquer
Jetman Jr.Jetman Jr.
Save The DodosSave The Dodos
Masodo Slingo Masodo Slingo
Mahjong 3DMahjong 3D


with 4 wins!


with 1 wins!


with 1 wins!
Latest ScoresHottest Games
*user scored 180 in Aircraft Wars on 30th November 2023 - 01:27 PM
*ArthurDent scored 1,010 in 10x10 BlogDogIt on 18th May 2023 - 09:04 AM
*user scored 3,360 in Asteroids on 20th January 2022 - 08:19 AM
*newuser2021 scored 42.077 Million in Cookie Clicker on 18th September 2021 - 01:09 AM
*user scored 722 in p2-Ball on 30th August 2021 - 03:30 PM
*user scored 24,400 in Masodo Slingo on 6th July 2021 - 10:50 AM
TetrisTetris (1706)
Learn To Fly 3Learn To Fly 3 (1666)
Space InvadersSpace Invaders (1644)
Command and ConquerCommand and Conquer (1637)
10 Ten10 Ten (1598)
Ahoy Pirates AdventureAhoy Pirates Adventure (1583)
Duck HuntDuck Hunt (1574)
p2-Ballp2-Ball (1545)
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Thanks for visiting PracticalLightning Arcade. I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here and look forward to your continued participation. Many improvements have been (and are continuing to be) made - check your settings for some exciting new options. This is the test-bed for The DeBurger Game Room and sometimes my goofing around might break this installation, so sorry for any inconvenience that sort of thing might cause. In other words: "Pardon our dust"

Although most every game is thoroughly tested by yours truly, there might develop a problem with a game - if you come across a problem game (or this website in general) please give a holler in the shoutbox so I can investigate. If you need to provide detailed information (or otherwise need to reach out to me) please feel free to send me an email at

Please: No Targeting! No Cheating! Comments are Welcome!


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Its A Good Day!